Slack is primarily a communication tool that also facilitates the collaboration of team members within an organization. As one of Sympl's integration, Slack can have significant benefits for your vacation rental business. These benefits of the integration include:
Get notified of Sympl events in corresponding Slack channels.
Specify message templates and include Data Dictionary placeholders which will provide detailed information about the event.
Allow users without Sympl access (but with Slack access) to keep track of what's happening.
First, we recommend creating a new channel in your Slack account to track Sympl events. For example, you may want to have a separate channel to track all your Confirmed Bookings.

You can now start to connect Sympl and your newly created Slack channel.
In Sympl, navigate to "MORE" and select INTEGRATIONS.
On the Integrations page, locate the Slack section and click "Connect".
Click "Allow" to allow the connection between Sympl and your Slack account.
On the Integrations page, you can now click "Configure" to provide details about your Slack connection.
On the Slack page, Click "Connect" and provide the required info.

Select the Event
Select your Slack Channel
Select the message template you wish to use. You may want to create new message templates for your Slack connection.
Click "Create"

Your Slack connection is now listed. You can create as many Slack connections as you'd like, for example, if you'd like to track different Sympl events in different Slack channels.